This website was not intended to go live until 2021, but due to the Corona Virus pandemic we thought that parents, church leaders, and Christian day care centers might be interested in using the materials that are currently available. Materials were written for Vacation Bible School, but would work nicely for home and day care instruction as well.

The Back2Christ website is dedicated to providing biblical commentary and insights formed through years of experience in translating the Bible from the original languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek), as well as creating exciting, fun and Bible-based VBS projects for all ages of children and adults. All material available on this website are made available for download (currently without cost) for private or church use. However, it would be appreciated if this site was referenced when material from it was being used.

Materials can bee freely downloaded and printed. Charging for any of the materials provided through this website is strictly forbidden. Copyrights© 2020 are held by National Network Solutions LLC.

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